23 September 2012


Just a quick addition to my previous post in which I have now meshed the particle simulation and rendered the sequence with a dielectric material in Mentalray.

Enjoy :)


Here's another development test, this time using a mo-cap file as the source of motion. My computer is a little long in the tooth and was having difficulty processing any more than about 30000 particles on this one so, to get the most out of my processer during simulation, I ran 3 passes and by making small adjustments to the particle and geometry interaction attributes managed to create something much more detailed than would have otherwise been possible.

Because each particle simulation is cached separately there is the issue that they don't interact with one another but this is a small price to pay to be able to run a few hundred thousand particles in a clip instead of a number in the tens of thousands.

12 September 2012

Melt City

This is a more refined melt created using the same method as the particle splat video but with a little more consideration over the melt control and a mesh rather than naked particles.

I'm still not 100% happy with the look of this but I'm learning more about the workflow between Maya and Realflow and am confident that I will be able to improve the effect with a little further experimentation.

9 September 2012

Particle Splat

A proof of concept, I made this to develop my understanding of the ways in which animated objects might be conrolled to collapse over time. in order to save time only 50000 particles were used in this simulation. The process is sound and in future I will up the count and mesh the particles or use instanced geometry in the render rather than blobby particles.

The clip demonstrates an exponential decrease in the stability of the particle object until complete structural failiure, carefully controlling the rate of failiure should provide various effects like melting or disintegration.