28 October 2012

Riveting Stuff.....

So, here's an update on my BumbleBus.

As I mentioned in a previous post I've based some of the styling of the BumbleBus on an Airstream caravan, those classic chrome trailers you see in the movies, and I've spent a bit of time this weekend detailing the exterior of the BumbleBus to resemble the panels and rivets of the Airstream.

It's not quite done yet but I figured a blog post was overdue!!

Each panel has been broken and overlapped along the lines of rivets (the white dots) which, even though they were created automatically along a path, have had to be moved individually into position.

Obviously I was able to duplicate from left to right but that's not the point... I've moved freakin' hundreds of rivets and believe, that over the course of the process, I may have lost a certain degree of my already tenuous sanity!!!!

Only kidding, I love rivets!

Ha.. haha.... hahahaha!!


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