23 March 2013

Snow Joke, It's Spring!!

It's March 23rd, spring is officially here so what better way to spend the morning than to traipse around the valley in 8 inches of unexpected snow?

I went out with an idea to shoot some footage for a project that I'd like to make but it was so cold and the fact that my camera was getting wet (note to self, get some sort of camera umbrella!) made me cut the excursion short but not without grabbing a few scenes to play with today.....

I figured that walking backwards and then playing the video forwards would make for a pretty neat effect... and it does. This video is what I was able to create with a few minutes of impromptu shooting and I reckon that with a chunk of pre-production planning I'll be able to come up with something pretty nice.

Maybe when the weather gets a bit better eh!!

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