14 July 2013

Lattice Tool Evolution & Script...

So, after my last post I decided that the Lattice Tool would benefit from a couple of upgrades, more buttons and sliders in the UI.....

The "Nodes" check box toggles the creation of a sphere at each vertex point on the control object and when it is activated the "Node Scale" slider is also active and controls the size of the spheres.

The "Panes" check box stops the control object from being deleted when the "DONE" button is clicked, a glass style shader is also attached to the object... this can obviously be changed or adjusted if you want but I quite like the way it looks.

Here's a video demonstration of the Lattice Tool V 1.04 in action.....

This render demonstrates the "Panes" option. The pale blue shader is created and applied to the control object upon completion of the tool, it's a simple Blinn with a refractive index of 1.4.

This has been an amazing learning experience for me. Having very little prior understanding of scripting I have been able to write this 350 line mel script, utilising all sorts of variables, functions and procedures, from scratch... and it works!!

It's certainly developed my understanding of Maya and opened up a whole new world of potential for future projects.

If you'd like to try the Lattice Tool script you can download it from here......

CLICK FOR SCRIPT - Creative Crash

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