25 July 2012

200 Frames Per Second Torrential Outpour Blues

So, I wanted to make a slow motion (200fps) shatter effect and mix it with a fluid simulation.... ahoy, is that a steep learning curve that I see ahead?

Things I learned along the way....
1: It's not as straight forward as it would first appear to use DMM simulations in Realflow.
2: PCF doesn't seem to work so well at high speeds.
3: My computer is Murtaugh from Lethal Weapon (too old for this sh*t).

Originally I had three glasses all rendered nice, refractions, raytrace shadows, photon emission etc.. (see still image below) but I felt that 16 minutes per frame was a little excessive for a technical excercise so I reigned it in to my usual plasticine style render, that's another thing to add to the list of stuff I learned...

4: Don't bother making things all shiny if it's just a technical exercise!*

* unless the technical exercise is rendering shiny stuff!

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