9 July 2012

This is Cracking Me Up!

I've spent some of my free time over the past couple of weeks investigating, experimenting and getting o know the DMM plugin for Maya and I have to say, it's great!

The plugin is intuitive and, once a basic understanding is developed, easy to use. One thing that appears to be missing from DMM is the ability to create debris but this has been dealt with by Olivier over at Pixleux who has writen a handy Python script that will emit particles from the faces that are created by the fracture.... handy!

I found a really nice video by Sylvain Nouveaux on Vimeo ( Click To View ) that I thought would be a good piece to replicate in order to best develop my understanding of DMM. I feel that my attempt is pretty successful, there are areas that could be developed further but for an early learning exercise it's not too bad.
I still didn't get my head around the SOuP plugin and had to resort to using the standard radial field to affect the particles so this is something that I can further investigate another time.

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