So, no posts for a couple of weeks.... it's been busy times at Polygon Soup towers.
What am I doing to aleviate this dorught of creative output then..... Well, I've started a new mini modelling project that I've christened "The BumbleBus"! I know, awesome name eh!
To put it as simply as possible, this is a transport vehicle, like a bus that flies, who's design is based upon... that's right, you guessed it.... A bumble bee, the good old Bombini Bombus.
My thinking took me along the lines of those silver Airstream caravans crossed with a Devon split VW camper, a sprinkling of steam punk and a dash of Art-Deco.
Here's what I haeve so far....
The external of the craft, barring some detail and the workings of the flapping engine, is pretty much complete and the inside compartments have been constructed but are yet to be populated.
I'm undecided as to whether the vehicle will have a pilot and passengers as this was just going to be a hard surface modelling exercise but I think that there is potential to create a really nice scene using this model..... I think I'll just play it by ear.
Anyway, that's what I'm up to at the moment and I'll do my ut-most to keep this project alive until it's completion.